involves either preserving part, or all of the dental pulp in health, or removing all of the pulp in irreversible disease.
Not only does endodontics involve treatment when a dental pulp is present but also includes preserving teeth which have failed to respond to non-surgical endodontic treatment known as ( root canal therapy).
Endodontics therapy involves the removal of the pulp structures, disinfection and the subsequent shaping, cleaning and decontamination of the hollows with small files and irrigation solutions and obturation of the decontaminated canals.
This is a dental procedure used for treating infection at the center of a tooth.
This is a treatment sequence for the infected pulp of a tooth which is intended to result in the elimination of infection and the protection of the decontaminated tooth from future microbial invasion.
Root canals and their associated pulp chamber are the physical hollows within a tooth that are naturally inhabited by nerve tissue, blood vessels, and other cellular entities Together these items constitute the dental pulp.
Root canal treatment is not painful and can save a tooth that might other wise have to be removed completely.
Root canal treatment has got five stages of treatment and these include Evaluating and diagnosing the infected pulp.
Accessing and removing the infected pulp.
1.Cleaning out the root canal.
2.Sealing the affected tooth.
3. Restoration.
Tooth discoloration
Tooth discoloration is common following root canal treatment.
Therefore, after this treatment, a patient is advised to make a crown for the treated tooth